UI Design & Development
The User Experience is the major aspect of a product's design, and the focus of how we interact with our products whether through simple handling to inputting and interpreting information can make for a seamless or rigorous exchange. The User Interface plays a critical role from simple on/off to complicated interfaces. Our work in UI/UX always looks to make the most of a user-integrated experience using clean, intuitive design.
UX, UI, and apps
The integration of app and product is important to the success of how it all works as a whole. Many solutions come from the design of the product and its purpose with how the app and/or UX looks and plays its role to round out the complete experience.
foobler bluetooth
Adding wireless control via Bluetooth connectivity made for a simple to use and setup device to customize feedings as simply press and dispense to full custom timed food delivery readiness over a period of hours. Customized backgrounds and naming features allowed for a personalized experience tailorable to more than one Foobler and multiple pets.
USER Experience
Many products meet users out-of-the-box requiring a ready-to-go interface. Where we can in more complex projects we seek to apply intuitive, universal graphics and guidance to make the experience easy and repeatable without the hunt for the instruction manual. There's complicated art in simplicity and we work to develop solutions that make that seamless and user friendly.